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Founder Pastor Joe Raymond 

The congregation Located in Petion-Vile is lead by Pastor Daniel Descarte

The congregation located in Sequin Haiti is lead by Pastor Jean Robert

The congregation Located in Casse-Pied Haiti is lead by Pastor Olange

 Supporting Pastor Hugh Lackey

Liason Brother Serge


Hope N Literacy International Foundation, Inc. was organized in 2004, by its President / Founder

Joe (Josue) Raymond, for the purpose of advancing the religious and academic education of the children and adults of the village of Casse-Pied, Haiti.


Hope N Literacy

128 West Wilbur Ave.

Lake Mary, FL. 32746 


Tel:  407-619-0766

Fax: 407-878-3776



"We cannot change the entire country, but with God’s help, we might make a difference in one small village

which will allow his work to spread beyond its borders as the young – educated – children hear and follow."

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