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MISSION: Haiti 2015

                          August 7-15

Mission Purposes: Ordination and Construction 


Esaie has served as the intern Pastor of Furcy for the last several years.He traveled by motor bike from his parents home in Port-au-Prince the two-three hour journey to the mountain top village in Furcy. During his service, the congregation has realized revival more than doubling in size.Esaie pastors the protestant congregation in the area.


The repairs needed to secure the foundation of the Furcy Church-School building is a project long overdue.The building was structurally damaged from the earthquake in 2010.The construction will reinforce the foundation, secure the building and add a fresh repaint to the facility.The cost of repairs was estimated at $5,000.Funds to pay for the project were generously gifted from a special Trust Fund.


Hope N Literacy International Foundation, Inc. was organized in 2004, by its President / Founder

Joe (Josue) Raymond, for the purpose of advancing the religious and academic education of the children and adults of the village of Casse-Pied, Haiti.


Hope N Literacy

128 West Wilbur Ave.

Lake Mary, FL. 32746 


Tel:  407-619-0766

Fax: 407-878-3776



"We cannot change the entire country, but with God’s help, we might make a difference in one small village

which will allow his work to spread beyond its borders as the young – educated – children hear and follow."

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